Inspiration // Mattawan, MI Photographer

I decided to sit down and try to put some of the ideas in my head out into the world for some new Imagination Series concepts. I have some very rough drafts going on for quite a few different things, but below is the one that I am going to focus on right now - I am thinking of putting my kiddos in here, flying through the air in jammies…something inspired by that one movie which shall remain nameless!

“OTW to Neverland” concept rough draft - stage 1 of many!

“OTW to Neverland” concept rough draft - stage 1 of many!

I am constantly inspired by amazing photographers around the world - I got my first real start in compositing when following Tara Lesher Photography - she comes up with lots of different ideas that are so cool. Some of my earlier composites are from her tutorials.

Instagram is obviously an amazing place to garner inspiration from so many other talented creatives. I love surreal things and seeing the artwork that others achieve. One of my favorite ones to follow is Beautiful Art Visuals…it is just amazing! But, hands down…holy cow…if I could achieve ANYTHING, it would be like Your Kids Smile. I just can’t. It is breathtakingly amazing.

Another artist I follow is Sergey Polyushko from the Ukraine - the macro photos are my FAVORITE!

Last night, I decided to make a list of all of the different ideas that I have for art pieces that I want to actually compose. I have 10 concepts that I want to put together, and the challenge is getting what is in my head out on my digital canvas. That can be really frustrating and rewarding at the same time. It is just hard to sit down and get everything put together because it takes hours…I can work for hours on something then decide that I totally hate it and start over. I found a folder of abandoned projects today that I decided maybe I will pursue again, but it just depends if I have a subject in mind that I want to put in the piece.

If you have an idea or suggestion for an artwork piece you think would be cute or fun, feel free to share! I love hearing ideas from others.

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