Class of 2020 Seniors


As a high school senior photographer, I am pretty horrified at everything these kids are going to miss this year. I don’t really know how to negotiate in my mind the loss these kids must be feeling - they don’t get prom - they don’t get graduation - they don’t get those last days together…as a sentimental person, I am just devastated for these kids. I don’t know how else to describe it.

When I was in high school, I wasn’t exactly super thrilled to be there….I was a super good student…the high school yearbook editor…that was about the extent of my importance…although, I did get voted “Bossiest” of my high school class…don’t ask me how…it wasn’t like I went around telling people to vote for me…;)

Anyway, those last days with my peers were some of the best days of my life. Our senior trip and our Grad Bash were so much fun. I cried like a baby at graduation. There are some friends that I haven’t seen since then, which is totally sad, but we at least got to say goodbye. We knew it was coming. These kids didn’t know their last day was their last day. Some kids are missing their final season of sports…it makes me cry just thinking about it. I hate it, and I hate that there is nothing that any of us can do about it. These times are SO weird.

In light of this, I had an idea. Senior photos are fun, but they generally are just the student alone. I have TENTATIVELY scheduled a bunch of dates in June for mini sessions just for the Class of 2020 - I have discounted the rate, discounted the products, and offered numerous dates to try to accommodate lots of kids. I think as parents, this could be an AWESOME surprise gift for your high school senior to help them say goodbye to childhood and have fun with friends while doing so.

My vision - have them dress up for “prom” and do a photo shoot - have them grab their group of BFFs for a final goodbye memento. Dress up in caps and gowns and get those “graduation” pictures together. Do a small family mini session before your senior goes off to college. Whatever fits your senior’s personality! If doing a session for more than one kid together, parents can split the cost. They can be funny - they can be serious - they can be editorial - whatever will make them feel special. They deserve it!!

To book a session, click on the BOOK HERE button below!

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