piper is 5! // Mattawan, MI family photographer

How we have gotten to the point where my baby girl is 5 years old, I will never accept. She was the Executive Producer on this project, because she had a lot of opinions on what we should do for her photos, and she had to help me set up lighting and with her poses, which right now, are pretty comical. She forgot how to smile like a normal human being and is in this weird phase where she strikes a pose and gives me the weirdest faces ever and thinks that it is brilliant. I had to force her not to wear makeup and lipstick…she thinks that she always has to have lipstick on…I told her that I would Photoshop it on, so as I have been editing her photos, she kept coming up and asking me when the lipstick was going on, but I will retain my creative control as per my contract! :)

She has a lot of fun wearing my wedding dress and jewelry and told me that she will wear it when she gets married someday. I do plan on her forgetting about these photos, and when she does get married if she chooses to do so, I will have these to give to her as a present. IT’LL BE SO FREAKING CUTE.

Since I know her, I am pretty sure I did a great job of capturing most of her personality, aside from her EXTREME messiness…I mean like…”Hoarders” level messiness…I can’t with this kid. Hurricane Piper FTW.

She is the best. I love how crazy she is.

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