Carter is 1! . . . Mattawan, MI Baby Photographer

While 2020 seems to be moving in slow motion to some of us, it is sort of a mind game when you are dealing with babies! Time seems to go by so slow and so fast at the same time. With COVID, it has been so hard being careful, and I definitely miss seeing my family. Carter is no exception to this since he is one of my super sweet little nephews! I always love seeing his sweet little face! He looks JUST like his beautiful mama, Sahra! He is such a happy little guy! We spent most of the time chasing him around trying to get him to sit still for a second, but man…some of my favorite photos ever! He is such a cutie patootie!! <3 <3 <3 As I was working on his photos, Timehop pops in like…hi…remember me? LOOK AT THESE PICTURES OF THIS NEWBORN, and there was little Carter! He has grown so much in such a short period of time, and I cannot wait to move into the toddler years seeing how he changes and grows. We love him so much!

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